Hey everyone!
As many of you know, Scott and I are going to Germany for Oktoberfest tomorrow! Woo hoo! We'll be meeting our friends Jessie, Brett and Jenny there too. Jessie is coming in from Paris, and Brett and Jenny are coming in from Berlin.
We're flying out of London on Friday at 6:30am. So we'll be staying at a little Inn, called the Bushel and Sack by the airport in London tonight to make catching our early flight that much easier.
I had a minor heart attack this morning as I was looking over our travel plans. I knew we were flying into Salzburg then taking a train into Munich, but when I Googled "Salzburg, Germany" it showed me Salzburg was really far away in the middle of Germany-not at all down in the SE corner like we'd thought! So I did a bit more research, and it seems that our flight is not landing in Salzburg, Germany at all, but rather Salzburg, Austria!! Hee hee! It's not as bad as it sounds, though. It's exactly where we thought Salzburg was, only it's in Austria, rather than Germany. I guess we need to work on our geography! Ah well, who am I to turn down a few extra stamps in my passport? : )
We'll let you know how everything went when we get back on Sunday.
Love you all.
1 comment:
So you went to octoberfest...
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