We got the flat! We move in on Monday, June 9th. Everyone's told us that it's almost impossible to find one as quickly as we have. Even the hotel manager where we're staying is amazed! I think I'm most happy about our new private garden. : )
Our new address is: 31 St. Johns road, Caversham, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 5AN, England.
We tried to open a bank account yesterday but found we must have a permanent residental address first, but in order to rent a permanent flat we have to have a British bank account! Quite the catch 22. Scott's getting a letter from his work today which should clear everything up...we hope!
Today's his first day at his new job. I can't wait to hear how it went!
We've decided to visit Windsor Castle this weekend. Time to figure out the rail system...
This is the lock and dam along the Thames foot path on the way to the grocery store.
Hey Guys! I just love the flat! The pictures of the outside of it look so adorable! You guys really lucked out, that's great! I can't wait to see more pictures of it! That sinks about the bank account, but I'm sure it will all work out. Hope Scott's first day at work goes well, can't wait to hear all about it!
This is so exciting for the two of you! I am glad you will have your own private garden and cannot wait to see more pictures of everything. Good luck with the bank account, getting settled in, and starting the new job. Love you both!
WOW! I can't believe y'all found a place so quickly! Glad you did!
That is a long address...damn! The flat looks great, though. Glad to know you are getting settled in!
Have ya'll eaten anything yet?!
like curry?
That's pretty stinkin sweet.
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