Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flat hunting.

We absolutely fell in love with the first flat we viewed yesterday! It's in lower Caversham (north of the Thames) on St John avenue. There's a really old church on the corner and the houses are brick row houses with little arched doors. It's a one bedroom with a private back garden that Sue would absolutely adore! We're on our way right now to make an offer on it. We'll just be renting it, of course, but here you jave to "make an offer". Who knows. The neighborhood it's in is really old and picturesque. And the flat has old exposed wood beams in the living room and a bay window in the bedroom, it also has a fairly large bathroom with a tub. It comes with a bed and couch and they can also put in a washer for us. Guess we'll be hanging a clothesline in the garden to dry our clothes! Wish us luck!
We'll also try and take care of opening our bank account today and getting cell phones. It's nice and sunny here today, and all the mud puddles on the streets and sidewalks have started to dry up. Looks like the beginning of a beautiful day. : )


Miranda Comer said...

Glad to hear it! It took us about 3 weeks to find a place here in Germany. I can't wait to see pictures of it!

Julie J said...

sounds gorgeous! can't wait to see it! hey... I still have that bank receipt if you need it (hopefully not) --ohh & if Scott can't find his glasses I think I found them in the bathroom stuff. I am not sure if they are an old pair or not. Let us know how the "offer" went on your flat! LOVE YOU!

Chelsea said...

Oh it sounds just perfect for you guys! I'm so glad you found one you guys really like, and so quickly! I can't wait to see pictures of it! And even more, I can't wait to come visit someday (if you'll have room for us)! :) Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear that things seem to be working out. your descriptions of things are making me want to take a trip there even more than i already did. guess i'll just have to live through any pictures you take and post.